In the 1985 release, “Back to the Future,” we see a DeLorean that can not only travel through time – but by the end of the movie – the flying car is powered by ordinary garbage.
Some 20 years later, we’re still not filling up our cars on banana peels and coffee grounds at the nearest fueling station – but Covanta Energy is producing power from ordinary garbage. After recyclable materials are removed – the Waste-to-Energy (WTE) company’s 30 locations around the world produce a total combined of 8,000 Gigawatts-hours of renewable electricity per year. The company began operations in 1986 and has since created 250 million tons of carbon offset.
To learn more about Covanta’s WTE programs, visit: http://www.covantaholding.com/efw_101.shtml
Speaking of renewable energy – while we’re not yet fueling DeLorean’s with fast food hamburger wrappers – Destiny recently announced its new eStation. Mid-State Energy, Inc. will build and operate Florida’s first green energy station in Destiny. To read more, visit: http://www.destinyflorida.com/pdf/Destiny%20E-Station%20Press%20Release_FINAL.pdf