Destiny Florida

Welcome to Destiny Florida's blog spot. Stay tuned for the latest news in Clean Technology, Sustainability, and America's First Eco-Sustainable City™. We invite your comments and ideas.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wish you were here. The weather is beautiful!

Site selection requires much more than beautiful weather, of course. But, it doesn't hurt.

Here are a few more reasons to select Destiny, Florida as a location for your company. Destiny is located in Central Florida where:

  • If Central Florida were an independent nation, its gross domestic product would rank 45th in the world.
  • At a hefty $145 billion, Central Florida's GDP ranks close to Singapore's.
  • Central Florida's per capita GDP would rank 6th among the G-20 nations, ahead of Japan and Germany.
  • Residents of Central Florida are youthful and educated (nearly two thirds of residents are under the age of 35 and most have post-secondary education.)
  • Globally competitive, Central Florida is on par with international regions such as Barcelona, Montreal and Milan.

*Statistics provided in "2009 Progress report for the Central Florida Region," available at:

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